設定高(低)壓力設定值: 1.按下 UNIT/SET 鍵約 3 秒鐘,壓力錶進入壓力設定模式。 (LCD左邊螢幕顯示 ▲+ 同時原高壓設定值顯示出來且第 1 個數字開始閃爍—此時開始可以改變高壓設

1.按下 UNIT/SET 鍵約 3 秒鐘,壓力錶進入壓力設定模式。
(LCD左邊螢幕顯示 ▲+ 同時原高壓設定值顯示出來且第 1 個數字開始閃爍—此時開始可以改變高壓設定值)。
2.按〝▲〞鍵改變數值 (數字可由 0 到 9 循環選擇),然後按下〝│►〞鍵移到下一個位數,按〝▲〞鍵來改變設定值。
3.當高壓設定值之最後一位數設定完成後按下〝│►〞鍵,LCD左邊螢幕顯示 +▼ 同時原低壓設定值顯示出來且第 1 個數字開始閃爍—此時開始可以改變低壓設定值。重覆步驟 2 來設定您所需要的低壓設定值。
4.當低壓設定值之最後一位數設定完成後按下〝│►〞鍵,LCD 螢幕顯示〝+Load〞—表示系統已將高壓及低壓設定值存入記憶體中。
6.重新改變設定值請重覆上述步驟 1 到 5。
※ 接線定義:
白—DC Power Input+
黑—GND (接地線)
棕—NPN Switch Output
【藍 4~20mA Output (Optional,必須與地線形成迴路)】※ 新增功能
Peak Hold: 按〝│►〞鍵約 3 秒鐘可切換至最大壓力值顯示,最大值會以閃爍方式出現在 LCD。在 Peak-Hold 顯示時按〝UNIT/SET〞鍵約 3 秒鐘可清除記憶值。
回到量測模式:按〝│►〞鍵約 3 秒鐘。
Gauges are well suited for a variety of industrial and commercial applications.
Measure pressures are from 15 psi to 5,000 psi.
SKON, a leading OEM supplier of pressure gauges, having delivered more than 100 million gauges to its customers.
Typical Applications
Hi-Tech Process Control Compressors
Refrigeration Waste Water Flow
Pumps Spraying Systems Agriculture
Hydraulics Pneumatics General Industrial
Special Features
Superb Accuracy
0/100~0/2000 PSI
Room temperature ±0.25%, working temperature ±0.5%
<0/100 PSI & >0/3000 PSI
Room temperature ±0.5%, working temperature ±1.0%
Backlight, reset and unit switches.
Handled with positive aluminum alloy product’s spec and keep a proper isolated distance with measured medium.
Ambient temperature around -10℃~60℃.
To display Peak-Hold value.
Gauges will be auto off after 5 minutes without any knobs/switches operations, in order to save the power.
Digital LCD shows reading, self-adjustment (return to zero automatically).
High and low limit set points.
With NPN or PNP connection control.

https://05841093.ec66.tw/web/NMD?postId=1314857ST-402 手動式拋光機
布輪護蓋可隨布輪消耗來調整前後,操作更為簡易。 亦可加裝變頻裝置,改變切削線速度,可適應各種材質研磨。